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Past Bikes
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Wood Turning
Larger Bowls
Bletchley Youth Centre Archive
Large Bowls
Larger Bowls
Bowls made from single wood type.
1. Whitebeam bowl with brass filled cracks 21cm diameter x 8cm tall. Finished in shellac and food safe wax, buffed to a glossy sheen for easy wipe clean.
1a. Whitebeam bowl side showing brass filling
2. Oak bowl made with laminated strips 36.5cm diameter x 7.2cm tall. Finished in food safe wax.
2a. Oak bowl side view.
3. Ash fluted edge bowl 28cm diameter x 8.5cm tall. Finished in acrylic laquer for easy wipe cleaning.
3a. Ash bowl with fluted edge side view
4. Ash bowl. 23.5cm diameter x 8.5cm tall.
4a. Ash bowl side view showing edge detail
Segmented bowls
5. 3D illusion bowl made from maple, mahogany and padauk. 27cm diameter x 7cm tall. Finished in food safe tung nut oil.
5a. 3D illusion bowl side view
6. Dizzy Bowl made from English ash, American oak and African sapele. 26cm diameter x 11cm tall.
6a. Dizzy Bowl side view
7. Star segmented bowl made from oak, maple, paduak and mahogany. 28.5cm diameter x 14cm tall. Finish in food safe tung nut oil.
7a. Star segmented bowl side view.